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What is Jitsi

View Jitsi's full docs here

Jitsi is a video conferencing suite - video server, client, video stream negotiator, media session manager, SIP gateway, and stream/recording manager. This gives the ability to run your own Zoom-like/Google Meet-like/Teams-like meeting with hardware at home.

Getting started

Because of its agnostic nature, this guide recommends using the Docker container guide. However, as seen on that page there are other methods of installing: Debian/Ubuntu and Manual. Use whichever deployment you're comfortable with for your environment.

The quickstart guide linked above will essentially give a proof-of-concept Jitsi install on the LAN. In order to publicize the Jitsi server,

Make sure to read the official docs

Always read the source docs, do not rely directly on this page. This is an overview, and should be treated as such.

Requirements as of 2020-09

Reconfigure quickstart config for public server

It is recommended to set all configurations before enabling Let's Encrypt. This will allow a public test of the server, and ensure port forwarding or reverse proxy is set up correctly. Ensure you have a public DNS record for your domain:

  • Shut down the quickstart docker images: docker-compose down (may need to use sudo)
  • Edit .env file to match public domain, IP, etc.
  • Remove then recreate the config directory: rm -r ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg && mkdir -p ~/.jitsi-meet-cfg/{web/letsencrypt,transcripts,prosody/config,prosody/prosody-plugins-custom,jicofo,jvb,jigasi,jibri}
  • Test connection via a browser to ensure DNS, routing, and any specific .env settings are working as predicted. You will likely still run into an HTTPS error, however the website and meeting tools should work on a desktop browser.

Congrats on creating your Jitsi meet server!